SBG Gradebook

The traditional gradebook typically relies on assigning and tabulating scores to multiple assignments, summing assignment scores, and determining a final course grade based on a predetermined scale. An example typical gradebook is shown below.

With the traditional gradebook, course objectives are unconnected and often are not mentioned beyond the course syllabi. Such an approach inherently fails to meet the conditions for sound assessment of student work and learning because the resulting final course grades only display how well the students performed on completing the separate course assignments rather than how well they learned the course objectives.

The SBG gradebook connects the course learning objectives to assignments throughout the term. A separate gradebook should be created for each individual student and/or student team. Determine which assignments will be used assess the learning objectives. Not all objectives will be assessed for each assignment. Also, determine the relative weighting of each objective and for each assignment. An example SBG gradebook is shown below, highlighting the main components.

It is up to you as the instructor to determine how frequently each of the objectives will beĀ assessed. We do recommend assessing each objective at least twice throughout the term in order to allow students to improve. Throughout the term, your gradebook for each student will start to become filled in, as shown below.